***Attention!*** BassRift has just been released. Save 81% on the electronic bass lines energizer.

UP Beta Programme

Some projects are too huge to be approved just by our testing team. So we ask the wider audience to give us the desired feedback. If you decide to join the programme, your voice will be heard and you may get rewarded.


The same conditions

The beta versions of the plugins we publish are 99% of the finished product and we only ask the audience to give us feedback on possible compatibility issues (combinations of DAWs and operating systems related). The same Terms of Use and Refund policy are applied on them, although you may purchase the license extremely cheap during the beta period. Please use the fully working trial version of the plugin before you purchase. Incompatibility is not a reason for a later refund.  

Get rewarded

Large projects such as Electrum need way more testing our small team can provide. We search for possible bugs that may appear during your work as well as system conflicts. Also, presets, videos and future functionality suggestions would be welcome. Every relevant help will be rewarded. You may receive virtual cash to buy our plugins or a license for the tested product.

To send your feedback please use the following form. Thank you for your help.

Send your feedback: